My name is Allan Marston and I am the founder of Cardio Wellness Solutions.
My father had a heart attack at 54 years old and quadruple bypass surgery when he was 55. So when my younger brother died of a heart attack in a gym at 54 it send shock waves through our family that we all might have a problem. So upon returning from his funeral in April 2012 I went to see my doctor to get a referral to get my heart thoroughly checked out.
I had an EKG, a Stress Test and an Echo-cardiogram and was told that I needed to lose weight and sleep more but that my heart was very healthy. The doctor that oversaw all these tests put me on Crestor, a cholesterol medication, just as a precaution even though my cholesterol levels were fine.
6 months later I was complaining to my MD that I was getting awful pain in my arms and he sent me for a blood test that showed muscle breakdown, probably being caused by the cholesterol medication Crestor as that was a potential side effect. So I came off that medication.
6 months after that I went to my MD with chest pains and he ordered me to get to Emergency which I did. EKG's turned out fine as well as blood tests but my blood pressure was unusually high so they did more tests. Those tests and an ultrasound that followed showed problems with my kidney causing high Creatinine levels which in turn spiked my blood pressure. I often wonder if my kidney was damaged by Crestor as well.
So now they put me on a High Blood Pressure medication and basically said I would be on it for life.
By this time it was 2 years since my brother's death and time for my next series of cardio checkups. Again I went through an EKG, a Stress Test and an Echo-cardiogram and was told that I needed to lose weight and sleep more but that my heart was very healthy.
6 months after I started the High Blood Pressure medication I developed a nasty cough that lasted a year and a half. My MD sent me to a an ENT specialist who prescribed an inhaler and a sinus spray. Then I started to have breathing problems and pains in my upper chest close to my throat. Once again I went to my MD and the ENT specialist who sent me to a Lung Specialist and they did a test for Asthma.
Then in December 2015 I ended up in emergency twice in 2 weeks with severe chest pains. EKG's and blood test were fine and I was sent home. But my MD got the Stress Test clinic to call me in for more tests. So I went through another round of EKG, Stress Test and Echo-cardiogram. Yes that was the third time in 3 years. While my stress test was not as good as my initial two during the past 3 years, the doctors still could not find anything wrong.
But I was still having problems that were getting worse. Chest pains were stronger and breathing problems were getting worse. So they decided to do a Thallium Stress Test. A thallium stress test is a nuclear imaging test that shows how well blood flows into the heart while you’re exercising and at rest. This test is also called a cardiac or nuclear stress test because of the radioactive dye they put through the heart.
And Bingo they finally discovered a huge blockage in the back of my heart. In fact I had heart disease. And like my brother I could have died. Unlike my brother I had warning signs that almost every medical professional almost missed. In fact they did miss it for months.
The bottom line of this story is that thousands upon thousands of your tax dollars and mine were spent on me by our medical system using what are considered as sophisticated medical devices over 4 years that did not discover any problems . Heart Disease as any medical professional will tell you does not occur overnight.
And this is why I am so passionate about what I am doing in encouraging everyone to get cardio screened. You don't need a doctors referral. For less than a Starbucks Latte a day YOU can take control and know the health of your heart. We do not claim that it is a prognosis nor do we claim that it is medical advice. And most medical professionals may not consider it worth anything. But then again read my story. What were all those medical tests worth and what did they discover?
It was only after I was much healthier that I discovered the Digital Pulse Wave Analyzer and its 9 separate readings in one screening in just 15 minutes. It started me asking a number of questions.
Would my story have been different if I had found out about it before I went through what I went through?
What if my brother had this Digital Pulse Wave Analysis done even a few months before he died without warning?
What if a simple test like the DPA actually saved our medical system a lot of money?
And most importantly, what if a simple test like the DPA actually saved lives?
It's too late to save my brother, but in his honor I am on a mission to bring cardio awareness and cardio wellness to the masses and in so doing I hope that we save lives and drop this leading disease to the back of the pack.